Food and Drinks Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan: food and drinks

Teacher´s name:  Group 3



 March, 2024


4th grade

CEFR Can do statement for speaking at (level)

A2: Students can orally express sentences in the present simple, by

using food and drinks vocabulary.

Topic of the lesson

 Food and drinks

Language skill

 Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Assumptions (what your students know/can do already)

-          Students know simple tense structures.

-          Students may know some of the most common food and

-          drinks.

Predicted problems

-          Speaking: students may not correctly pronounce the

vocabulary of food and drinks.

Materials to be used (in general)

 Computer, speaker, online resources, worksheet, realia.

Length of the lesson

 40 minutes


Ø  Main aim of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson, students will be able to orally express at least 3 sentences in the presents simple, by using food and drinks vocabulary, at least one new word in each sentence.

Ø  Sub aims:

1.      Students will be able to identify and name at least ten words related to food and drinks in English.

2.      Students will be able to classify different types of foods according to certain characteristics, such as the food group to which they belong.








1 Lead-in

-          The teacher starts the class by greeting the students.

-          The teacher says that he will show a video and that the students must pay attention so that they can guess what the topic of the class is.

-          The teacher plays the video about food and drinks

-          The teacher asks the students what they think the topic of the class is.


-          The students greet the teacher.

-          The students pay attention to the teacher's instructions.

-          The students watch the video carefully.

-          The students try to guess what the class topic of the day is.

-          Computer

-          Speaker

-          Possible videos:

- .com/watch?v=rs Mcuru7fBM

- .com/watch?v= pr2GSnDicDI

- .com/watch?v= OV1P54_TguA

- .com/watch?v= lW5TXrKbsq4

 7 minutes

-          To check students’ prior knowledge.

2 Language Input 

-          The teacher introduces the new topic.

-          The teacher gives instructions for the activity.

-          The teacher shows interactive flashcards of food and drinks.

-          The teacher asks the students if they know the names of those foods and drinks.

-          The teacher asks the students to write and say out loud the name of the food.

-          The teacher says out loud the name of the food that the students do not know.

-          The teacher asks the students to listen carefully to the pronunciation and to repeat it.

-          The students pay attention to the introduction of the new topic.

-          The students write and say out loud the names of food and drinks they know.

-          The students listen carefully to the teacher's pronunciation of the food they do not know.

-          The students repeat the pronunciation.

 Possible resources:

- resource /3563551/picnic-time

-          https://www.cerebriti. com /leisure-games/guess-the-food2

-          https://www.cerebriti. com/language-games/what-foods-do-you-know

-          https://www.cerebriti. com/language-games/finding-food

 10 minutes

-          To check students’ pronunciation.

3 Learning

-          The teacher gives instructions to the students for the next activity.

-          The teacher divides the students into rooms or small groups.

-          The teacher provides students with a list of food and drinks and asks students to classify them into groups according to certain characteristics.

-          The teacher asks each group to share their results with the class.

-          The students listen carefully to the teacher's instructions.

-          The students form small groups.

-          The students analyze and discuss the list of food and drinks that the teacher provided them.

-          The students classify the different types of foods into the categories that the teacher gave them.

-          The students share their results with other groups.

Possible resources:

-          https://www.cerebriti. com/science-games/food-groups-classification

- /resource/3244460 /healthy-or-unhealthy

-          https://www.cerebriti .com/language-games /choose-the-right-country

-          https://www.cerebriti .com/language-games/where-are-those-meals

 13 minutes

-          To check students’ social skills.


-          To verify the students understanding of the topic about different kinds of food and drinks.

4 Use/Authentic output

-          The teacher asks the students to look for different types of foods and drinks in their homes.

-          The teacher asks the students to show the food or drink and make sentences in the present simple using the food they show.

-          The teacher explains they can make sentences like: "this is an apple", "the apple is part of the dairy products"

-          The teacher asks the other students if they identify the food is not part of the group that the classmate mentions, the others can write "intruder" in the chat.

-          The students look for different types of food and drinks in their homes.

-          The students make sentences in the present simple with the name of the food they have.

-          The students share their sentences and show off their food.

-          The other students listen carefully to see if their classmates' sentences are correct or not.

-          The other students write "intruder" when they identify that a food does not belong to the group that their classmates said.

-          Realia

 10 minutes

-          To verify students’ use and correct pronunciation of different kinds of food and drinks.



